This morning I woke up reflecting that we have a lot to be thankful for within the birth world. I'm thankful for:
Natural birth pioneers and writers like Michel Odent, Sheila Kitzinger, Penny Simkin, Ina May Gaskin, Elisabeth Bing, and so many, many more who have devoted so much of their lives to this work.
The Coalition for Improving Maternity Care Services (CIMS), which has worked so tirelessly to encourage mother-friendly care in all birth settings and to spread evidence-based information about healthy maternity care.
Doula training organizations such as DONA, CAPPA, and ALACE, which have trained so many compassionate, skillful, passionate labor support professionals.
Childbirth educators like the wonderful women at Independent Childbirth
Statewide consumer groups like Friends of Missouri Midwives and Ohio Families for Safe Birth that are so dedicated to helping women in their states have access to skilled midwifery care.
My involvement with Citizens for Midwifery, the only nationwide consumer organization devoted to promoting midwifery and making the midwives model of care a reality around the country.
Mothering Magazine, a trusted resource, helpful "friend," and inspiring read regarding all elements of natural family living.
BOLD (Birth, The Play), which lends such a creative spark to public awareness of maternity care issues with its theater for social change model of birth activism.
Devoted birth bloggers like Birth Activist and Woman to Woman CBE and Enjoy Birth and Giving Birth with Confidence.
Midwives like Maria Iorillo and the countless other midwives out there who are "with women" day after day.
Books like Pushed and Our Bodies, Ourselves Guide to Pregnancy & Birth (and also recent treasures like Lady's Hands, Lion's Heart)
Choices in Childbirth and their most fabulous Guide to a Healthy Birth.
Childbirth Connection which has promoted safe, effective and satisfying evidence-based maternity care for all women and families since 1918 and offers a treasure trove of wonderful publications free on their wesbite.
Women's courage as they follow their intuition and give birth at home.
I know there are so many more organizations, people, and resources for which to be thankful. What are you thankful for in the birthing community?
Happy Thanksgiving!
Chamonix day 6
10 hours ago