Saturday, December 5, 2009

Grassroots Network: OB supports delayed cord clamping

Dear Friends,

As we try to change the way childbirth is conducted, the question of when the cord is clamped affects both mothers and babies. While immediate cord clamping is habitual in hospital-based obstetrics, midwives, especially out-of-hospital, typically delay cord clamping at least until the cord has stopped pulsing.

Now Nicholas Fogelson (an OB?) has written an excellent commentary on the need for this OB practice to change, including references:

Delayed Cord Clamping Should Be Standard Practice in Obstetrics
December 3, 2009

For anyone working to achieve this change in practice, this will be a good resource. And there are good comments to which Fogelson has promptly written thoughtful responses.

Yet another instance of midwives being ahead of the game!

Susan Hodges "gatekeeper"

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